My latest short story is out in the world! “Rec and Dec” is in the most recent issue of On Spec Magazine (#117 vol 31 no 3). It’s a story about redemption, forgiveness, and about found family set in space. Without giving too much away, it features Maria, a veteran space hauler, forced to redeem herself and a “green” recruit Danny who’s been assigned to her as part of her rehabilitation. They encounter a few obstacles during the story that test both their skills and their character. I hope you enjoy discovering it as much as I did writing it.
Behind the Scenes
The story initially started based on a writing prompt in October 2016 for the 20th anniversary of the Viable Paradise workshop. A bunch of VP-ers (the term we use for people that have attended the workshop) got together online and had a weekend writing challenge. Goal was to come up with a story based on a random prompt suggested by another instructor of the workshop. Our two word prompt – “snail rodeo”. Everyone wrote to the same prompt and we submitted our first 1,500 words (or maybe it was 1,000) at the end of the weekend. People voted for their favorite story. If I recall, I think I placed third in the voting based on my draft.
As with most of my stories based on prompts, the prompt is a doorway into the story, not necessarily the story. The characters and their relationships are always the heart of my stories and Rec and Dec is no different. Maria is an experienced veteran of working in space, but is a bit cynical and at the beginning of the story and being hard on herself for where she’s ended up in life. Danny is a recent recruit and definitely inexperienced in both life and space, but with a big heart. They’re forced to find common ground over the course of the story and work together.
Where you can find the story
On Spec doesn’t publish their stories online, but they do offer print and digital version of their magazines.
You can order single issues of the magazine by emailing them directly or you can subscribe to them. Details are here on their website – https://onspecmag.wpcomstaging.com/subscribe/ I’d be sure to mention the issue number you’re looking to get.
The also offer their magazine in a digital format via Weightless Books, again either as a subscription or as single issues. At last check the single issue of the edition featuring my story wasn’t up on the Weightless site yet, but should be soon. I’ll post a direct link when I do see it go up.
For now here’s the link to the page featuring all the issues of the On Spec Magazine at Weightless
Thanks for supporting me and my writing. And a special thanks to all those who read early versions of this story and helped me shape into this final version.