In this day and age of readily available ebooks and online shopping, there has been a lot written about the demise of “bricks and mortar” stores, both large chains and independents. Sure there are economic factors at play in both retail and in publishing industries driving this decline, but the…
Month: June 2013
Dead Man (1995)
Jim Jarmusch’s 1995 film Dead Man follows the journey of a Cleveland accountant, William Blake (Johnny Depp) as he travels to the end of the rail road and America’s Western frontier in the late 1800s in search of work only to find his own death and spiritual awakening. As a…
Don Juan DeMarco (1995)
In Don Juan DeMarco, Depp plays the title character, a seemingly delusional 20-something who believes he is the direct descendant of Don Juan and dresses like “Zorro” complete with mask and sword. The movie opens with Don Juan seducing one last woman before preparing to sacrifice himself in a duel…
Happy Birthday Johnny!
Happy Birthday to Johnny Depp who turns 50 today – June 9th. If that isn’t hard enough to fathom, chew on this – the man has been acting in film and tv for THIRTY years. Yup you read that right. 30 years. I’ve been falling behind on my year long…