Writing can be very isolating and solitary experience, so its no surprise that writers tend to seek out kindred spirits. I’ve been very fortunate to be involved in a number of writing groups over the years. Each group has taught me so much about myself and about my writing.
Writing groups have given me opportunities to learn from other writers with different view points and writing experience, as well as sharing my own. Having other people you trust to critique your work and bounce ideas off is crucial. Writing groups can be a source of support, motivation, inspiration and at times, even frustration. Writing groups are tenuous beasts threatened by pressures of work and family commitments, personality clashes, and geography, but when the work they are a sight to behold.
I have met life long friends through writing groups and long after the groups have dissolved I still keep in contact with people from some of my previous critique groups. The core of my current group has been together for more than 4 years now, which is a testament to the strength of the relationships we have forged. Like any relationship, communication is key and we’ve had to recalibrate our wants and needs as time and projects have progressed.
If I could give one piece of advice to writers starting out would be to reach out to other writers and open yourself up to sharing your work and receiving feedback. It’s scary and they don’t call it critiquing for nothing. You’re going to hear things you don’t want to hear about that piece that you thought was PERFECT. You’re probably going to feel like you don’t know anything after someone with more experience points out everything that’s wrong with your work from grammar to viewpoint and everything in between, but trust me when I say its all worth it. All the writers that I have met along the way have been patient, giving of themselves and their time, and you want to know a secret – they WANT YOU TO SUCCEED. They want you to grow as a writer, they want you to write that kick ass story that will make them wish they had thought of it.
I remember when I took my first baby steps on the path to becoming a writer, I asked a friend who I knew was a writer to take a look at something and give me their feedback. The writer asked me if I was ready for this and I said I was, but in truth that first critique was an eye opener in more ways than one. I realized that a) I had a long way to go on the path to becoming published b) that I had to be open to receiving the honest feedback that they were offering. I don’t regret asking for that critique and that sort of feedback made me eventually join my first critique/writing group which would start me down the road to where I am today.
I want to thank every one who has ever taken time to read one of my stories and give me feedback whether it was part of one of these groups as a one-on-one favour. I may not always act on your advice, but I will ALWAYS take it to heart with all the consideration that it was given.
Great post. I remember my first critique too. It was life changing. Congrats on completing a-z. 🙂
Thanks for the comment Jessica! It was a fun experience, the A-to-Z challenge, not my first critique. LOL!
I’m just stopping by, checking out the many blogs I missed during the hectic month of the A to Z challenge. I particularly liked this post about writing groups…I’m blogging as a way to strengthen my atrophied writing muscles, with an eye to eventually making it a more serious pursuit. I will take this advice about reaching out to fellow writers for feedback to heart…and prepare myself for some tough love!!
Thanks for commenting. Good luck with your writing. Like anything worth doing, it takes effort and patience. I try to be open to learning my craft and bettering my writing every day. A lot of that comes from learning from others writing.
I’ve enjoyed this post about writing groups, and I have had similar experiences with critiquers and giving critiques. Writing is personal, and sometimes criticism hurts. Yet when we listen to the words shared and open our eyes to the possibilities, we can grow as a writer.
I enjoyed the 2013 A to Z Challenge, too. Sorry I didn’t meet you there, but it’s never too late to meet a new friend. I am still trying to visit A to Z blogs on the A to Z Road Trip.
Glad you found me on your A to Z road trip. As I mentioned in one of my 26 posts for the AtoZ Challenge, I want to blog more about writing and what the written word means to me, so I hope this will open up opportunities to do so.
Have fun on your blogging road trip.