I have a confession to make. My current novel is woefully neglected and I’ve been trying to map out a…
Tag: writing
Toronto the Good
I grew up in a Northern Ontario town that felt smaller than its population of 75,000 would have you believe….
W is for Writing Groups
Writing can be very isolating and solitary experience, so its no surprise that writers tend to seek out kindred spirits….
L is for Language
For millions of years mankind lived just like animals Then something happened which unleashed the power of our imagination We…
K is for Kismet
Definition: Kismet – n. fate; destiny I first discovered the word kismet when I was an adolescent in Grade 8…
J is for Journey
Like many things in this life, writing is a journey. Very few of us knock a home run out of…
G is for Genre
When people ask me what type of stories I write, I eagerly tell them speculative fiction. The most common reaction…
Why do we say it?
As a writer and someone who actively uses words as my building blocks, I am always fascinated by the origin…
Do Androids Dream of Philip K. Dick
I could have easily done a post for the letter D on Johnny Depp, but since I am already doing…