I wanted to post a witty or sage quote about relationships and friendship, but none that I looked up seemed to encapsulate everything I wanted to say about the subject. Relationships are individual social contracts, negotiated between people often without any spoken agreement. We tend to associate with people that in some way complement our temperament and interests and are enjoyable to be with.
As kids we find it easy to make friends, so broad are our interests. As we grow older we become more discerning, more selective in who we establish relationships with. People that we can trust, people that make us laugh and feel good, basically people that we want to share our time and space with. It’s those relationships that we cherish and work to preserve.
Unfortunately circumstances in life often intervene to test our relationships. People move away, enter into new jobs, start new relationships, start families, discover new passions. All these things temper our relationships, whether they are happening to us or our friends. Friendships often adapt, sometimes for the better, because of these changes, but on occasion they wither and retreat.
I am fortunate enough to have a handful of close friendships that have with stood the test of time. Many of those friendships, because of distances, do not get the love and attention they deserve, but as a true testament to the strength of the bond those friends act as if no time has lapsed at all when we do talk or meet up.
Not to sound melancholy, but as I get older my only regret is that its hard to make new friends. Perhaps I am more guarded, perhaps people are too busy to look for new friendships in the people they meet. Don’t get me wrong I am thankful to the few people I have become friends with in later in life, but I still feel like there must be more kindred spirits out there waiting to connect.
Hi, Andy,
Like you, I value the friendships I’ve formed, but don’t seem to be able to find people I’d consider true and firm friends.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving feedback. Its always good to know people are reading what you write.
I am lucky to have a few rock solid friends in my life, my problem is that they are mostly far away from me right now.
Good luck, don’t give up searching for new people to connect with.
It is strange, isn’t it, how when we were kids we’d be friends with anyone, but now we only want to associate with people we feel ‘fit’. I’m not sure if it’s a good thing or a bad thing.
Thanks again for the comment. I hear you about being more accepting as kids.
I think as we mature, we have less time for people that don’t treat us right and that can narrow down our options a lot compared to when you are a kid.
Hi, Andy. Nicely written post. It has an optimistic outlook with just a hint of melancholy. Interesting tone and a good read. Thanks for sharing.
Cheers from a fellow A to Z Challenger.
Thanks for the feedback. Much appreciated.
Hi Andy,
I just nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award! Congratulations, I really enjoyed your writing. More about it here: Liebster. You don’t have to accept it (there’s some “work” to do!), but please let me know either way so I can keep your link in my post.
Bradley Charbonneau’s Pass the Sour Cream A-Z Challenge.
Thanks for the comments and nomination. Still thinking about it. Where does the original Liebster Award come from? Looking at your post and the person that nominated you, its hard to know where it originated from.
I guess I will do a bit of research into it.
I looked it up also. Seems it goes back quite a few years and has evolved (or devolved!) since then. It just seems like a nice way to show some recognition for some writers you appreciate.
Hello, Andy! I cherish my friendships, too. My best girl friend has been my bff since kindergarten, and my best boy friend is now my husband! We’ve been friends since second grade and started dating in high school. So I know a thing or two about keeping friends forever!
Happy A to Z-ing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines
It’s also hard keeping up with online relationships. Companies merge and companies become obsolete…