I actually began this write up a month or so ago, thinking to myself that I would be timely for…
Category: Book Reviews

2020 Reading Roundup
Well look at that, it’s June so it must mean it’s time for my annual roundup of what I read…

Reading Roundup for 2019 and 2018
I’ve been chronically late posting updates of what I read in the previous year so this post is kind of…

Return from Ottawa and CanCon SF 2018
Last week (October 12th to 14th, 2018) I attended my second CanCon SF in Ottawa. It was every bit as good…

2017 Reading List Roundup
Well if you thought I was fashionably late with my 2016 Reading List Roundup last year (posted in August 2017)…
2016 Reading List Roundup
Traditionally, most people write up their year end reading summaries at – well – year end. That would be the…
Sudbury Ink – A Sudbury Writers’ Guild Anthology
I am proud to be included in this anthology – Sudbury Ink – published by the Sudbury Writers’ Guild. The…
What I Read in 2015: Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Audio Books
So I thought I would take a few minutes to wrap up what I read in 2015. 2015 was the…
Mostly Harmless
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (1979) I rarely go back and re-read books. There are just too many books in…